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4 Ways to Find Time to Workout in College

Balancing a heavy course load, busy schedule, extra curricular, work, and a social life can be more than difficult. Add finding time for exercise can seem next to impossible on top of that. But, we're here to tell you that you can do it and here's how:

Bike or Walk to Class

It's time to ditch the bus or hang up your car keys and dust off your old cruiser. Biking or walking to your school campus is a great way to get a few steps in if you feel you don't have time for a full cardio workout or workout class. Not only will this benefit your own physical health but is also great for the environment as it will reduce your carbon footprint. If you choose to walk, consider taking the long way to campus and get a couple extra steps in!

Head to the gym in between classes

Have 30 minutes or an hour in between classes? Rather than chatting with friends or waiting in line at the university center for an overpriced coffee, use this time to get a quick workout in! Even if it is just a light jog on the treadmill or a three round circuit. You can still get the latest from your friends at the gym with them and then snag that coffee after your workout on the way to class. You will make the most of your time and feel productive and accomplished when you get home from school that day!

Sign up for a fitness class

Almost ever single university gives students the opportunity to take a fitness class for units or class credit. For example, UC Santa Barbara offers classes such as sailing, basketball, track and field, yoga, weight lifting, and many more. You can treat your school course like a real fitness class and for an added bonus you will get class units for it! Encourage your friends to sign up with you and you can keep each other accountable for showing up and putting your best efforts in every day.

Join and intramural sports team

From intramural soccer to intramural innertube water polo (yes you heard me correct-innertube water polo) universities have it all. And if they don't, start your own and recruit your housemates and friends to sign up. If you decide to join one, you will most likely meet a lot of new people, learn a new sport, and have a blast while doing so!


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