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Gym Etiquette

Like any other public establishment you visit, there are rules set in place to ensure respect and safety amogst employees and visitors. The same goes for the gym. Whether you are a first time gym goer or a regular there are rules you must abide by. The majority of universities offer recreational services and gym memberships to their students so knowing how to act when utilizing these amenities is important. In this post, we will explore the various tid bits of gym etiquette.

Put Things Back Where You Found Them

Every piece of equipment at the gym has a home. It is important to put the equipment you use back in its rightful place. Oftentimes at universities, students are hired to work at the recreational center. With this being said, it is respectful to your peers to uphold cleanliness when utilizing the equipment provided for you at the gym.

Wipe Down Equipment After Using

With flu season in full swing and the new reality we face living through a global pandemic a major element of gym etiquette is cleanliness. After you use machines or hand-weights please be sure to wipe them down thoroughly. According to Medical Daily, a recent study swapped multiple pieces of equipment at different gym locations and the results found up to 39 times more bacteria on an exercise bike than a school cafeteria lunch tray. In order to prove this statistic wrong, let's all work harder to create a safe and clean environment at the gym!

Personal Space

If you claim your own space before you begin working out, you will have the space to perform any exercises or utilize any machinery safely. Bring your own towel and water bottle to ensure cleanliness and you can also use both as a marker of your space if you need to use the restroom or change equipment! Not only will you thank yourself for this, but the people around you appreciate it as well.

Be Mindful of Your Surroundings

The gym can be quite chaotic at times. It can get crowded and there can be large groups of people using machinery that is positioned close together. Be mindful of who and what is around you. Always look before grabbing equipment to make sure you are not in a potentially dangerous situation. Never perform circuits or exercises in a walkway or section of the gym that is overcrowded. Look out for not only yourself but your peers!

Be Flexible

The gym in general can be a very crowded place depending on the time and day. Recreational centers on university campuses especially can be extremely crowded depending on the student population. If this is the case, try switching up your workout or the order of your exercises to avoid lines and running around a crowded gym. In doing so, you might even challenge yourself with a new workout or surprise yourself with a new routine!


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