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Making the Transition

As COVID-19 regulations begin to slowly get lifted and life begins to returns to a new form of normalcy, we can adapt our fitness regimen to match that as well.

There have been many studies conducted that show the benefits of group fitness and specifically what these benefits are. The recent pandemic has proved to be difficult for students interrupting their social and academic lives, most importantly a sense of community. As humans, we find community in everything we do, whether its at a gym, through a job, or in your friends and family. As we return to normalcy again at various institutions, here are a few ways you can get your body moving again with others while still staying safe!

Outdoor Fitness

Just as the picture above shows, you can remain safe yet still gather as a group outdoors for a cardio workout! The picture details a local spin studio in Santa Barbara, California that has moved their indoor cardio workout outdoors. They have created a safe environment with physical distancing and an open air environment. Find a local boutique fitness studio near you and get your friends and family involved! A great way to stay motivated and in shape!

"Most public health experts agree that the drop in physical activity and weight gain that many people experienced during a year of pandemic living presents another set of risks to human health, and that communities need to find a balance between infection control and allowing people to return to their favorite fitness activities."

Reads an article from the New York Times. With good air ventilation, social distancing, and constant sanitation of exercise equipment, individuals can now begin to safely return to group exercise classes. As a college student, you now have the ability to return to the recreational center while taking precautions that allow you to get you workout in yet still matin covid cautiousness. Visit your university's website to find updates on the steps they are taking to reopen and how you can get back to the gym. Starting with outdoor fitness is a great way to minimize your chances of infection and to help slow the spread of COVID-19, but still allows you to exercise both your mental and physical well-being!

The Bottom Line

A recent study shows that group exercise membership in both men and women is positively associated with feelings of social support, validity, companionship, and exercise identity. Not only did both men and women experience positive physical association with group fitness membership, but also an increased sense of belonging. This is a key aspect to remember when you are making the decision to start a safe transition back to group exercise. Now, it's time to get your friends and family on board to join you in a safe return to a happier and healthier way of working out!

Natalie M. Golaszewski, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Steven P. Hooker & John B. Bartholomew(2021)Group exercise membership is associated with forms of social support, exercise identity, and amount of physical activity,International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2021.1891121


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