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Starting fresh: New Year Resolutions

As college students, we all have goals. Whether that is to get an A in your Biology lab or to graduate with honors. Long term goals are a great way to stay motivated but are also extremely easy to lose sight of. Short term goals on the other hand can be a good way to practice

Look on the Bright Side

"It's not about perfect. It's about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens. That's how change occurs." -Jillian Michaels

As you look at image above, reflect on the rainbows in your life. These are the good things and the things you are working towards accomplishing. As we begin the New Year, you want to begin to ask yourself why. What do you want to accomplish and Why? In regards to fitness, there are many why's: losing weight, increasing you mental well-being, training for a competition or race, and more. The list goes on and on. But it is important to find that why because that is what will keep you motivated and on track to make those resolutions!

Set Reasonable Goals and Stick to Them

If you have never worked out before, setting the goal of training for and running a marathon in a month is not a reasonable goal and you will just find yourself unmotivated and frustrated when you cannot complete this goal. Instead, set a reasonable goal like working out 3-5 times a week religiously.

Set a Schedule

As a college student, you are constantly juggling a busy schedule with academics, social activities, work, and other events. It is best if you plan to workout at the same time every day you choose to exercise on. This can play an important part in creating and sticking to a routine that will help you develop healthy habits.

Get Your Friends Involved

To Let's be real, it's hard to stay motivated alone. Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and community to feel supported in their fitness journey. In regards to New Year's resolutions, you will have a long road ahead of you so having a buddy with the same or similar goals will definitely benefit you. It's a win win!


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