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Food for Thought

The saying abs are made in the kitchen proves true when it comes to the first step in leading a healthier lifestyle.

In today’s day and age, we are constantly bombarded with food intake advice by people who are not professionals highlighting diets and other fads. The first step to leading a healthier lifestyle starts in the kitchen with a few tried and true rules and suggestions.


"Fresh, frozen, or canned fruits are great choices."

Not only do fruits provide a rich source of vitamins and minerals but are also often high in fiber leading to a healthy gut and better digestion. This is true in moderation of course. Consuming an excessive amount of fruit can lead to an excessive sugar intake. Avoid processed fruits and stick to fresh, whole fruit for a healthy food choice!


Having a daily intake of vegetables is a great alternative to fried or frozen foods. Vegetables are often low in cholesterol, fats, and calories. The benefits of a plant based diet include reduced risk of heart disease, healthier skin and eyesight, and digestive issues.


"If your favorite recipe calls for frying fish or breaded chicken, try healthier variations by baking or grilling."

Meat and poultry provide exceptional sources of protein. Your body needs protein and other rich nutrients such as B-12 and iron to function on a day to day basis.


Your heart, muscles, and bones need calcium to support your body. Eating calcium rich food will decrease your likelihood of developing osteoporosis or other bone related issues.

Remember, eating healthy takes practice. It is important to always turn to professional advice and listen to your body.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, April 19). Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from


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