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It's a Mentality

Running is known to be one of the best forms of physical exercise. What most don't know is that it running can significantly improve your mental well-being on a day to day basis as well.

All you need is a good pair of running shoes and an open mind. When you run, because your brain releases a number of endorphins that better your mood and help in reducing anxiety or stress. Both of which will improve your quality of life making you a happier and healthier person.

Where to Start?

Start small. It is important to start your training with low mileage to reduce risk of injury in the future. Creating a running plan will keep you motivated and on track to ensure you reach your goals both mentally and physically. Try implementing some additional cross training and rest days throughout the week to build your cardiovascular endurance and decreasing the stress placed on your muscles and bones.

Running on your Mind?

As you run, your heart rate increases and oxygenated blood spreads to your muscles and brain. This triggers an effect known as a "runner's high" which is a release of endorphins aids the body in feeling less pain and a boost in serotonin. This runner's high extends far beyond the workout and running itself proves to have many long-term benefits. Any type of daily cardio exercise has the ability allow growth of new blood vessels that foster improved memory and task-switching abilities that will positively benefit your m mental quality of life in the long run. No pun intended!

Linden, D. J. (n.d.). The truth behind 'Runner's high' and other mental benefits of running. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from


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