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Journaling and Why You Should Do It

College is a stressful time for individuals, especially those on the tail end of it. As a senior myself, I often wonder what I will do next and where I will go. There are many ways to handle this feeling of the unknown and the stress that accompanies it. Alongside daily exercise, I have turned to journaling. So what is journaling you might ask? Journaling is simply the action of writing down your thoughts, feelings, and goals to get a clearer understanding of them. Journaling has changed my perspective on life and I hope if you have the opportunity to try it, it will change yours too!

From staying organized to having an outlet for yourself, there are many benefits of journaling. Here are some of my favorites:

Mental Health Boost

For students especially, journaling is a healthy and reliable action to turn to when experiencing feelings of stress, anxiety, or gratitude. It is an effective form of self-care that can help students cope with the feelings of anxiety they may be experiencing. After writing things down you will slowly start to get a better understanding of them and even begin to feel more confident in the decisions you will make from there.

Become goal Oriented

Journaling allows an individual to plan and stay organized. Writing feelings and goals down will make them feel more tangible and easier to grasp. When writing down your goals keep in mind the longevity of them and the practicality of them. Are they long term goals? Short term goals? Is this goal doable or will it require help from others? These are the questions you should be asking yourself while you write down the answers. Make sure your goals are clear and provide a benefit.

Improve Academic Performance

As previously highlighted, staying organized and becoming goal oriented are both key elements to academic success. Journaling helps alleviate procrastination and allows you the space to stay focused and on track. Studies have even shown that students who expressively write have experienced a higher grade point average than those who don't.

Try it out! You never know what benefits journaling will bring you but chances are good thing will arise from it.


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